A dissertation is a research assignment completed as part of a bachelor’s or master’s degree program. A dissertation allows students to explain their findings in response to a question or suggestion that they choose. The goal of the assignment is to put understudies’ independent research talents to the test, with the results being utilized to determine their final grades. Even while your advisors usually provide some guidance, the dissertation project is largely unrestricted.
Is it hard to write a dissertation?
No, it isn’t difficult. It’s time-consuming, tedious, and perplexing, but it’s not too difficult. Some pupils struggle because they procrastinate excessively. Furthermore, individuals and businesses have begun to offer dissertation writing services that are well-researched and high-quality. You can seek their assistance.
How Long Is a Dissertation?
The length of a dissertation, like most areas of academia, is difficult, and it fluctuates by the subject of study. A myriad of factors influences it, notably discipline, kind of research (quantitative or qualitative), and area of research. A dissertation’s typical length is around 150 and 300 pages. Unfortunately, there are a lot of relevant aspects to examine. It’s also beneficial to be well-versed in the factors that can affect the document’s length.
What is the average duration of a dissertation? Each part’s average length:
Let’s take a look at the key parts of a dissertation and their estimated lengths. Remember, there are no hard and fast rules here; these are merely estimates to give you a sense of what is possible.
The act of carefully choosing the topic and selecting a precise research question is the first step in drafting a dissertation. As you can see, identifying the gaps necessitates extensive research on the subject. Abstract (100-400 words), introduction / background (up to 1 page), statement of the problem (up to 1 page), justification / research questions (up to 1 page), literature review (about 7 pages), methods (approximately 3 pages), importance / implications (1 page), timeline (1 page).
The abstract, which should be written last, is the initial portion of the dissertation. It is a concise description of the study that was conducted intended to notify the audience about the research’s goals and accomplishments. There is a stringent word restriction of 200-300 words as a general rule.
The second chapter is an introduction, which gives brief background information and discusses the research’s applicability and usefulness. The primary purpose is to explore problems and gaps, as well as to develop research questions. The typical length of a paper is roughly 15 pages, with the introduction accounting for 10% of the total word count.
The goal of the literature review is to represent the results of prior research. It lays the groundwork for the rest of your project. It is critical to look into all of the specifics. This chapter is about 30–40 pages long on average.
The next stage is to discuss the research approach and all methods used. You’ll have to detail each one and defend why you’re using it. The length is projected to be around ten pages.
Section 6: Dissertation Results
After that, you must display the results of your investigation (such as surveys, tables, interviews, among others). They must all be meaningful. The chapter will most likely be roughly 5% of the entire word count or 7-8 pages.
After that, you must understand the results and their ramifications and restrictions. It is the most crucial aspect of the job. As a result, it accounts for roughly 40% of the total word count.
Ultimately, in the conclusion, you should synthesize the entire investigation. It accounts for approximately 5-7 percent of the entire word count. Here’s where you’ll obtain information on how to write a conclusion and discussion.
How much time does a dissertation take to complete?
It differs from one person to the next. The time required is determined by your pace and method of work, as well as some external circumstances (such as organizing interviews for the study), as well as your presence and participation. The process would take roughly 18 months, ordinarily.
Is it possible to do a dissertation in two weeks?
I don’t mean to sound pessimistic, but this work appears to be insurmountable. It’s impossible to conduct a thorough study in such a short time unless you’ve already traversed the ground, and all that’s remained is to put it down on paper. Please take note that it will be a major undertaking!
Nonetheless, you always have the option of choosing another option. If you’re short on time, hire a professional writer to help you out. Experts from several fields are ready to take on the task with extensive experience.
Without a certainty, each graduate student is capable of writing a dissertation. It is only a matter of putting in the time and effort. Outline out all the procedures, keep your work organized, and prepare to work hard. And you’ll see the fruits of your labor in a year or two.
What is the Purpose of a Dissertation?
Contemplate what is featured within the pages of a dissertation and the objective it fulfills, besides its length. A handful of publications elicit as much apprehension and worry as the dissertation as a fundamental yardstick for evaluating scholarly readiness and skill.
The dissertation is the apex of a graduate student’s work because it symbolizes the climax of their graduate studies. A dissertation is the culmination of years of academic training. To put it another way, it is a major thing.
The dissertation also acts as a gauge of a student’s protracted academic potential. An outstanding dissertation can be used to fund the author’s first several academic publications, including a monograph if the circumstances are right.
It sets the stage for the Ph.D. candidate’s job search and passage into their career path, as well as their academic program. Most students’ dissertation is also their first chance to fill a gap in the corpus of knowledge and establish themselves as experts on a specific issue. It is most researchers’ first step into basic research and a major undertaking of their own.
The Length of Dissertations by Discipline
Dissertations come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
The subject is among the first things to keep in mind when determining the length of a dissertation. The majority of dissertations are the result of quantitative or qualitative research or a combination of the two. When considering duration, consider the research methodologies that will be utilized. Is your study primary or secondary in nature? Is it better to use qualitative or quantitative methods? The response will tell you how much you should anticipate to write.
What Is the Average Length of a Quantitative Dissertation?
Concise dissertations are more common among doctoral candidates in academic subjects that require quantitative research, such as scientific investigations and human behavior assessments. Statistical analysis of major research drives subjects including chemistry, biology, and some social sciences.
This indicates they pursue method-based procedures and research that follows a distinct, linear path. Researchers in subjects such as arts and health sciences may also defend dissertations of less than 100 pages.
What Is the Average Length of Qualitative Dissertations?
It is a completely different situation in subject areas that use qualitative research to contribute to the existing knowledge. Dissertations in subjects like history, which have a horrendously long procedure for finishing the dissertation and getting the Ph.D., are noted for being far over 300 pages long, with some reaching 400 pages or more. These dissertations are a collection of secondary and tertiary resources, papers, photographs, and over a hundred references, with thousands of pages read and referenced throughout the process of research.
Isn’t that exhausting? Although this is true, there are some advantages to writing a lengthier dissertation. The real kicker is that dissertations of this size and breadth frequently generate enough data for many scholarly journal articles and conference papers. Those who finish dissertations in arts will have numerous publications and conference presentations available to go instead of just one. With such a competitive labor market, especially for post-doctoral and tenure-track posts, the prepared and able researchers are to begin publishing.
Dissertations that are innovative
One other, lesser-known option to take when determining the length of a dissertation is the creative dissertation. Despite the fact that the number of programs giving this alternative to undergraduates in creative fields is currently modest, it is expanding.
Creative dissertations have been welcomed by poets, fiction writers, and essayists who have built a name for themselves in academia and are accurately characterized as a hybrid form of independent creative work delivered within the theoretical framework of a constructive introduction. Such dissertations are often book-length works of roughly 200 pages.
Deconstructing the Dissertation
So, what is the length of a dissertation? As we’ve seen, length can vary, but you should also consider how much time you have to write it. A prevalent misconception is that a dissertation is a single document prepared fully at once.
That is not the case! Dissertation chapters typically begin as final papers in academic seminars, notably qualitative research. This allows students to dabble in a multitude of settings before settling on one they enjoy and dedicating themselves to a book-length undertaking.
Take into account all components of the project that aren’t the writer’s principal argument when estimating the length of a dissertation. A literature review will be included in numerous dissertations. This summary of current publications illustrates a gap in peer-reviewed knowledge that the dissertation will presumably cover. A great deal of minutiae also inflates a dissertation’s page count. Including:
To cut a long narrative short, everything adds up.
What Is the Length of a Dissertation? Remember that the length of a dissertation varies depending on the field. Here’s what to anticipate:
What is the length of the dissertation?
There is no straightforward solution when it comes to the length of a dissertation. Despite this, many dissertations are between 100 and 200 pages long. One may argue that it must be 146 pages, while another may argue that it should be 90 pages. Others would argue that it should be 200 pages long. The length of this academic dissertation should be determined by the document’s topic, writing style, and goals.
The length of this academic dissertation should be determined by the document’s topic, writing style, and goals. In a survey conducted by (Research prospect), a well-known provider of dissertation assistance, there were 2,536 entries for students who completed their theses since 2007. The breadth was astounding (at least 21 pages), despite most writings being between 100 and 200 pages.
Universities demand students to write dissertations when applying for masters and doctoral programs. This report is a valuable component of various educational efforts in reputable educational institutions. As a result, most university students are concerned about the length of this record because it affects so much of their academic life.
There are numerous opinions on the length of a dissertation. The locations in which your exposition project is centered, for instance, should have a bearing on its length. A paper about a series of experiences, for instance, will almost certainly be lengthier than a conventional science thesis. That means the length of your work will be affected by your academic order.
The majority of academicians and our tutors agree that a Ph.D. paper should not exceed 80, 000 words. As a result, your content should be around this length. The addendums are included in this word check, but references, comments, and book indexes are excluded. A paper’s commentaries should not account for more than 20% of the substance.
Students are discouraged from using lengthy references. They should also avoid using commentary to provide materials that should be included in their main narrative. This would get around the thesis’s typical length.
Every one of a paper’s factual tables is estimated to be roughly 150 words long. On the other hand, the Degree Committee has the authority to allow students to exceed the cutoff points after request and in exceptional situations. As a result, students must register for this case well in advance of the date they want to deliver their postulation. The Graduate Committee reviews the request and decides whether or not the understudy should be allowed to change the typical dissertation length.
Title Page
The title page of the dissertation must be as brief as feasible while providing a comprehensive synopsis of the topic.
Copyright Statement
The copyright sign, the year of the initial publication of the work, and the author’s name should all be included on a different page promptly succeeding the title page:
© [year] [Author’s Name] All rights reserved.
Students might also elect to license their content under a Creative Commons license freely. The creator retains copyright while allowing everyone else to peruse, share, and (dependent on the license) change the work as long as due acknowledgment is provided.
An abstract, labeled page iii, should appear promptly after the copyright page and define the problem, detail the methodologies and processes employed, and summarize the research’s major findings or conclusions. Academic databases will issue the abstract, which will feature in both the online and bound editions of the dissertation. The abstract can be as long as you want it to be.
o The author’s name, justified to the right
o Left-justified “Dissertation Advisor:” accompanied by the advisor’s name (a maximum of two advisors is permitted)
o Dissertation title, centered, a few lines beneath author and advisor
Table of Contents
A table of contents must be included in dissertations that are separated into sections, and it must state the primary categories in the following sequence:
Back and Front Content
If permitted, the back matter encompasses:
Additional Information
Supplementary tables and figures should be included in an appendix at the conclusion of the dissertation, not in or at the completion of each chapter. If the main body of the dissertation will be accompanied by other electronic content (such as audio, video, image, or datasets), it must be published as an additional file using ProQuest ETD. Supplementary content will be accessible in DASH and ProQuest, as well as being archived electronically at your university.
Dissertations Comprising Previously Published Works
Dissertations including already printed works by the scholar must be permitted for circulation from DASH due to copyright issues. This part comprises instructions for any already publications that need consent from publishers or other rightsholders before being disseminated through DASH. Please note that before the dissertation can be disseminated from DASH, contributors whose publishing contracts provide the publisher sole permission to exhibit, disseminate, and produce derivative works must obtain authorization from the author for nonexclusive usage of the underlying materials.
Contributors whose publishing contracts state that they own the applicable nonexclusive privileges to authentic contents for presentation, circulation, and derivative work production may disseminate the dissertation in its entirety from DASH without requiring additional approvals.
It is advisable that writers check their publishing contracts personally to see if and to what level they may have relinquished sole copyright rights. The Office for Scholarly Communication (OSC) can assist the contributor in determining if they have retained the essential rights or if authorization is required. The Office of Scholarly Communication, on the other hand, is unable to aid with the approvals procedure.
Top Ten Formatting Errors
The consultant’s name must be justified on the left, and the student’s name should be justified on the right. There can be up to two advisors. The Abstract must be double-spaced, with the page title “Abstract” and the page number “iii” included. The abstract can be as long as you want it to be.
Tables and figures should be positioned as near as appropriate to their initial reference in the text. Tables and figures that cover many pages must be marked separately on every page. The “(Continued)” notation should appear on the second and following pages of the figure/table. This is true for both figure captions and photos. Every page of a table or figure should be tallied and marked correctly. A distinctive number must be assigned to each figure or table. They are not permitted to repeat themselves inside the dissertation.
One more question that may come to mind is the length of the dissertation chapter. This varies since each section is a distinct location that must solve a specific issue. Your final review must be the ideal length if you integrate the correct information concisely and adequately. So, how long does a dissertation take in each section? Here’s an attempt at it.
This section of a dissertation must clarify why the idea is vital to the audience. It should make reference to essential facts concerning the issue. The presentation should clarify to the audience why you chose the theme or problem and why it is relevant. The presentation should be between ten and fifteen pages long. It’s the perfect size because it allows you to refer to anything quickly. Focus on enthralling the audience rather than thoroughly revealing or unearthing anything.
Literature review
This is the section where you explain the major sources you have chosen for your paper. It needs to provide sources that can be used to write the exposition. In this section, you research and make reference to the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen sources. The length of this segment should be anywhere between 20 and 25 pages.
This section ranges in length from 10 to 15 pages. It focuses on the methods used to guide the exploration. You’ll look at the specific approach and data collection methods used in this section. This section also includes techniques for contacting the sample population and the gathered data. It can also include the problems that have been encountered.
This section of a dissertation should not be longer than ten pages. It provides a list of the breakthroughs as well as a discussion of what they mean. The concepts are directly linked to research findings. You must, for instance, mention whether they were proven or disproven. This section should also include a conclusion for everything that has been accomplished.
It should have a page count of between 15 and 20 pages. This is where you explain the implications of your investigation. Offer a more substantial perspective on your investigation. Additionally, enlarge the available proof based on the subject. In this phase, provide recommendations while keeping in mind your limitations.
What is the average length of a paper part? It all boils down to the point, the educational base, and the inquiry goals. Each portion varies in length depending on the concept of the investigation focused and gathered data.
In any case, what is the average length of an exposition? This question has no plausible answer. Brain study, history, communications, nursing, and the executive’s thesis, on the other hand, could be 300 pages long. Theses in teaching, environmental health, and political science can all be 100 pages long. Generally speaking, the length is determined by the concept of led research and the material that should be remembered for the record.
Body of Text, Tables, Figures, and Captions
Footnotes, page numbers, Headers must all use the same font as the body of the text. The sole exceptions are tables and figures prepared with different tools and put into the paper.
Figures and tables should be put as near to their initial reference in the text as practicable. They can go on a page with no text beneath or above it, or they can go right inside the content. If a figure or table is the only thing on a page (and there is no narrative), it must be centered inside the margins. Tables can take up more than one page, provided all margin restrictions are followed. Figures and tables that are mentioned in the text should not be positioned at the ending of the chapter or the dissertation.
Dissertations in the Departments of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, History of Art and Architecture frequently include graphics at the ending of the dissertation according to the discipline’s criteria.
The numbering of figures and tables must be consistent throughout the dissertation or chapter. (For instance, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, etc.). There can’t be two tables or figures with a similar number if you have to quote them more than once, recurring label photos with their number, and A, B, among others.
Tables should have headings at the top of them. While there are no strict guidelines for tables, figures, and headings captions, a uniform approach must be followed all through the dissertation.
Any figures must have captions at the footer. If the figure fills the whole page, the caption should be positioned on the page before it, centered horizontally and vertically inside the margins.
Each page is assigned a unique page number. Whenever the title of a table or figure appears on the first page, the succeeding pages of the table or figure must indicate “Figure 5 (Continued),” for instance. In this case, the page number bearing the title will be listed in the list of tables or figures. The word “figure” must be capitalized and written in its whole (not shortened) (e.g., Figure 5). The “(Continued)” remark must be on the subsequent and future pages if the caption extends on a second page. The table or figure and caption must be considered a single unit, and the numbering should be consistent throughout all pages. A header must appear on each page.
Tables and graphs in landscape orientation must be properly in place and confined at the top such that the apex of the table or figure is at the left margin. When the table or figure is on the same page, the captions or headings are positioned in an identical orientation as the table or figure. Captions or headings are displayed in portrait orientation on a different page, irrespective of the orientation of the table or figure. Page numbers are typically positioned vertically on the page as if the figure were upright.
If a graphic artist creates the figures, GSAS will only recognize letters created by the artist in the figure. Software-generated figures are permitted if they are readable. Legends and titles created in an identical manner as the figures will be accepted if they are unambiguous, comprehensible, and have a character density of at least 10 or 12 per inch. Captions and legends must otherwise be displayed in the same typeface as the text.
Original artwork, photos, and fine arts works may be scanned and inserted on a page with no text beneath or above it, centered between the margins.
Use of Third-Party Content
Dissertations frequently feature third-party work or in-copyright work possessed by entities other than you, the scholar who created the dissertation, not forgetting the student’s writing. The Office for Scholarly Communication advises that you read the text below regarding reasonable use, which permits users to use in-copyright work on a relatively small scale and for defined purposes without gaining approval from copyright holders.
Practical Suggestions for Dissertation Length, Chapter-By-Chapter
You must conclude with the proper length for every chapter if you cover each necessary part effectively and simply (and consequently, a dissertation of the appropriate length). Where applicable, I will also provide some general recommendations on typical page length.
Chapter 1
This is the start of your research. It is critical to plan out your research agenda. Check to see if your title, research questions, and problem statement are all in sync (alluding to a similar concept).
The typical length of Chapter 1 is 15 to 25 pages. You’re typically incorporating content that would be better given in other sections of the dissertation if you exceed 25 pages.
Chapter 2
The current research on your issue must be extensively investigated in Chapter 2. It should not, nevertheless, continue indefinitely.
Chapter 3
Ensure you explain what you accomplished and how you accomplished it to the audience. What analytical method did you employ, and why did you do so? How did you identify the respondents, and how many were there? The goal is for readers to comprehend what you did and be able to duplicate it if they so desire.
Because this is a research plan, it appears to fall between 15 and 20 pages organically.
Chapter 4
You must present the findings of your research in this section. Incorporate any information that will aid the audience in understanding what you discovered. C harts, tables, and graphs have a propensity to overwhelm the audience. They can go in an appendix if they do not correlate to what you identified or are repetitive. You don’t want your audience to get lost in a sea of tables and figures.
Chapter 5
In a majority of dissertations, Chapter 5 is where you illustrate what your research’s findings signify and the ramifications. This is the sole chapter in which you have complete liberty to portray yourself. Sure, go on and do it.
When someone spends 15 months of their life concentrating on a research topic and then submits an 8-page Chapter 5, I am always astonished. Broaden your horizons and study the implications of your findings.
How Long is a Dissertation? Summary
A dissertation is, without a question, a lengthy paper. It was not, nonetheless, written in a single session. You’ve been working on it for months, composing paragraphs and drawing conclusions. Since the paper can be prepared in sections, numerous individuals realize that it is lengthier than planned when it’s all pulled together. You’ll make it if you continue to write and contribute your perspectives.
Several students believe that having a helpful adviser who has gone through the dissertation writing process and expertise assisting students is beneficial. Please get in touch with me if you would like to learn more about my dissertation tutoring or dissertation editing services.